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Young driver standing beside his first car

Young Driver Insurance

Prices for Sterling’s young drivers car insurance start from £955 a year. If you’ve been a learner driver and recently passed your driving test, call Sterling for a quote. Our best prices are available over the phone.

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Car Insurance for young drivers from just £955!

Policies with young drivers in mind

Sterling’s policies are designed with newly-qualified drivers in mind whether you need fully comprehensive car insurance, third party, fire and theft or third party only.

If you’ll be driving your own car or a vehicle owned by a family member, consider taking out a young driver policy after you’ve passed your test.

It means the policy will be in your name, and you start building a No Claims Discount as soon as you’re at the wheel.

We know it can be tricky to find affordable insurance quotes as young drivers sit in a higher risk insurance group. So we try to help by finding you a price that doesn’t hold back on cover.

Call us today to find the policy that will suit your needs, car insurance quotes at a price to suit your budget.

The benefits of getting a policy with Sterling

  • Prices start from £955 a year
  • Includes cover for up to £1,500 of cosmetic car modifications
  • Legal protection up to £100,000 included
  • Breakdown cover, keycare, misfuelling, windscreen (optional extras)
  • Monthly payments are possible
  • Claims hotline open 24/7

Sterling’s prices start from £955 a year

Sterling compares quotes from a number of insurance companies so you get the very best deal. Phone one of our experts who will find a quote that works for you and your needs. Let us do all the work for you.

Cover for cosmetic car modifications

We understand young drivers may want to modify their cars. So our young driver policies can include cover for cosmetic car modifications of up to £1,500. We also cover vehicle modifications on a like-for-like basis.

Legal protection up to £100,000 and Free European Cover

Legal protection and European Cover are standard in our insurance policies. So if you are ever involved in an accident that isn’t your fault, this can help recover any out of pocket expenses afterwards. You can also drive through Europe for up to 90 days on us.

Optional extras such as breakdown

Add Sterling’s home-start service and UK / European breakdown cover to your young driver policy. It’s ideal for keeping you on the move if your vehicle is unreliable. We also offer misfuelling cover, keycare, windscreen and protected No Claims Discount as optional extras.

Pay in monthly payments

Insurance companies consider the young driver category to be a higher risk group. As these insurance premiums are likely to be more expensive, Sterling can set up a monthly payment plan to help newly-qualified drivers get on the road.

Claims hotline is open 24/7

Sterling’s claim line is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. If you need to make a claim, we will be here for your call.

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Frequently asked questions

There are a number of ways you can save money on your young driver insurance in Northern Ireland. This includes:

  • Completing extra driving qualifications: courses like PassPlus and RoSPA can help reduce your insurance premiums when passed. Not only will this give you more experience behind the wheel with a supervisor, but it also tells us that you really value your safety while driving.
  • Choose a car in a low insurance group: in general, using a car or other vehicle that’s found in insurance groups on the lower end of the scale will help reduce premiums.
  • Increase your excess: if you’re willing to fork out more money in the event you need to make a claim, increasing your excess can help reduce your insurance costs. You must always ensure that you’ll be able to pay this off in the event that you need to make a claim, though.
  • Drive safely: whilst your first year driving might be an expensive one, driving safely and responsibly will help reduce your premiums over the coming years. You might be surprised by how much NCB will reduce the cost of insurance.
  • Consider telematics insurance: if you’re a safe driver, black box insurance can help reduce your premiums significantly – sometimes by up to 60%!
  • Kit your car out with security features: Thatcham-approved security features like a tracker will help in the event you need to make a claim. A dashcam can also be useful should you need to back up your claim.
  • Keep your car in the garage: this will help reduce the likelihood that your car is stolen, which can help reduce premiums.
  • Drive fewer miles: we have limited mileage policies that can help you save on your insurance.

There are three types of insurance:

  • Fully comprehensive: this is the highest level of coverage but can sometimes be the cheapest. It covers you and your vehicle, as well as third parties, their vehicles and their property.
  • Third party, fire and theft: this covers damage to other people, their cars and their property, as well as your vehicle in the event it gets stolen or damaged by fire.
  • Third party only: this will only cover damage to other people, their car, or their property in the event you need to make a claim. This cover is the minimum level of coverage you must get.

Car insurance for new drivers between the age of 17 and 20 costs £1,800 on average. Whilst this decreases after 21 years of age, you’re likely to still face a policy costing over £1,000. That’s why it’s so important to call around.

With a clean record, you’ll find that your insurance quote will get cheaper each year. There is generally a fairly significant reduction in cost once you turn 20 and for every year following. When you turn 25, there is another big reduction in your quote.

Even if you drive a vehicle a little out of the ordinary, we can help. As a specialist insurance provider, we’re usually able to cover young drivers where others cannot, even if they’re driving a vehicle that’s a little different than the usual. In fact, we enjoy helping you secure affordable insurance where other providers cannot!

This depends on their circumstances. If the teen has purchased a new vehicle and will be the sole driver, they’ll need to take out their own insurance policy on the car. On the other hand, if they’ll be using their parent’s car infrequently, they could potentially be added to the parent’s policy as a named driver.

If the young driver is going to use a parent’s car more than the parent though, the insurance company need to know this as it is important that the policy is correct. Some insurers will not allow a young driver to be the main driver if the policy is in a parent’s name.

Yes, you can potentially add them as a named driver. Watch out though; whilst putting them on your insurance as a named driver can help save money on insurance, if they will in fact be the main driver, you will technically be committing an illegal offence called “fronting”.

Getting a quote couldn’t be any easier.

Even better deals over the phone

Our best policies and prices do not appear on price comparison sites and are not available online.

So let us compare the cost of car insurance with the levels of cover. We’ll take quotes from multiple insurance providers to ensure you get the very best deal.

Help is here when you need it

Sterling’s claim line is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

If you ever need to make a claim, someone will be here for you at the other end of the phone.

Our staff are based in the UK

Whether you’re calling for a quote or want to make a claim, our staff are based in the UK and ready for your call.

As soon as you agree the policy terms, your insurance can be issued on the same day.

30 years’ experience in the industry

Our senior staff have been working in the insurance industry for 30 years.

It means we can help if you need to find cover for situations or circumstances that are a bit more specialist.

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