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Young Driver Insurance in Northern Ireland

Cover for new and young drivers in NI

How to get young driver insurance from Sterling NI

Give us a call

We know that insurance can be difficult for young drivers to navigate, especially if it’s your first time taking out a policy. Call us and we can help explain anything you’re not sure about.

We listen to your needs

With a few details about yourself and your car, we can compare quotes to find insurance that’s right for you. Choose from our selection of extra benefits, including breakdown cover, keycare, and windscreen cover, to truly make the policy your own.

We ask the right questions

We know the information that makes you more attractive to insurers, allowing us to ask the right questions to ultimately reward you with cover that more accurately reflects your driving history.

Young Driver Insurance for Northern Ireland Residents

We find young driver insurance quotes for you

We know how exhilarating it is to pass your driving test and go for your first drive alone. We also know that newly qualified drivers tend to have a hard time finding cover, especially ones that don’t allow driving at night or other restrictions.

At Sterling NI, we’re an insurance broker, so we’re on your side. This allows us to take a more objective approach to new driver insurance. We know the information that makes you more attractive to insurers, allowing us to ask the right questions to ultimately reward you with cover that more accurately reflects your needs.

Plus, we understand that passing your test is the first step to independence. As such, we only offer young driver insurance or black box policies without restrictions like curfews.

Why choose Sterling Northern Ireland young driver insurance?

There are a number of reasons why you should take out young driver car insurance with us:

Previous learner driver NCB accepted

We accept no claims bonuses that you built up while learning to drive and can also transfer it to your new driver policy. This results in more affordable cover – particularly important when you don’t have much experience behind the wheel and are facing high insurance premiums.

Pay in monthly instalments

We’ve all been young. Whether you’re in university, still figuring out what you want to do, or starting a new career, our flexible monthly plans help you start driving sooner.

Helps you build your no claims bonus

Taking out a separate insurance policy like this one will help you build a no claims bonus (NCB). Every year of claim-free driving contributes to reducing your renewal quote – perfect for young R-plate drivers.

Wide range of options for young motorists

We offer a range of different types of cover, including black box insurance without the typical curfews and restrictions. And, if you want to opt for cover without a telematics device, we can also provide young driver insurance without the black box.

Extensive staff training

We provide our team with the support and training needed to help deal with all types of insurance queries.

Unusual vehicles can be covered too

We’re more adept than most at providing cover for unique vehicles. If you’re a budding car enthusiast with your eye on a ride that’s a little different to most, we can help. Modified cars, imported vehicles and classic cars can all be covered with us.

How can I get more affordable car insurance for young drivers?​

There are a number of ways you can save money on your young driver insurance:

Completing extra driving qualifications​

Courses like PassPlus and RoSPA can help reduce your insurance premium once completed. Not only does this give you more experience behind the wheel with a supervisor, but it also tells us that you really value your safety while driving.

Choose a car in a low insurance group​

Cars are categorised into insurance groups ranging from one to 50. Essentially, cars on the lower end of the scale (e.g. a one-litre Nissan Micra), are considered a lower risk than cars on the higher end (e.g. a high-performance Audi). As a result, using a car or other vehicle found in insurance groups on the lower end of the scale can help reduce premiums.

Increase your excess

If you’re willing to fork out more money in the event you need to make a claim, increasing your excess can help reduce your insurance costs. Note that it’s important to ensure you’re able to pay this in the event you do need to make a claim.

Drive safely

Whilst your first year of driving might be an expensive one, driving safely and responsibly helps to reduce your premium in the coming years. You might be surprised by how much building up an NCB helps to reduce the cost of your insurance.

Consider black box insurance

If you’re a safe driver, black box insurance from us can help reduce your premiums significantly when it comes time to renew – sometimes by up to 60%!

Kit your car out with security features

Thatcham-approved security features like a tracker will help in the event you need to make a claim. A dashcam can also be useful should you need to back up your claim.

Park in a safe place

Keeping your vehicle in the garage or on a driveway can help prevent it from being stolen. This, in turn, helps reduce your premium.

Drive fewer miles

If you’re only going to be driving a few thousand miles during the year, our limited mileage policies could help you save money.

Which type of insurance should I get?​

Fully comprehensive

This is the highest level of protection you can get and protects your vehicle regardless of who is at fault. It can often be more competitively priced than the lower levels of cover on offer, so it’s always worth getting a quote.

Third-party, fire and theft

This covers damage to other people, their cars and their property, as well as your vehicle in the event it gets stolen or damaged by fire.

Third-party only

This will only cover damage to other people, their car, or their property in the event of an incident. This cover is the minimum level of coverage you must get.

Get a quote with us!

It’s easy

Frequently asked questions

How much is young driver insurance?

The price of your cover depends on a number of factors, so it’s difficult to definitively say how much your insurance will cost.

The best way to get an idea of how much your cover will be is to call us directly. We compare quotes from a range of insurers to help you find the right policy.

When does car insurance get more affordable for young drivers?

With a clean record, you’ll find that your insurance quote will generally become more affordable each year. New drivers usually see a fairly significant cost reduction once you turn 20 and for every year thereafter. When you turn 25, you get another big reduction in your quote.

Can I put a young driver on my insurance?

Some insurers will add new drivers as a named driver, but you may only do so if the young driver is not the main vehicle user. If the young driver is going to be driving the most and you add them as a named driver, you could be committing a serious illegal offence called “fronting”.

This could result in a fine and your current policy being cancelled, as well as any claims you make not being covered on your policy. Ultimately, this is likely to increase your premium and your child’s in the future, and could potentially make it more difficult for you both to get cover. As a result, it’s usually more cost effective in the long run to take out a separate policy for the newly qualified driver.

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